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Acrobat Sign - General

Your feedback is essential to helping us shape the future of Acrobat Sign. That’s why we have partnered with UserVoice, a third-party service, to create this site to hear your ideas and suggestions. Here, you can send us ideas for new features you’d like to see or report bugs that are getting in your way.

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97 results found

  1. Bring back the popup Calendar for E-signature requests. You allow us to build it with the Prepare a form.

    Bring back the popup Calendar for E-signature requests. You allow us to build it with the Prepare a form tool and even ask if we want to request an E-signature but then the features we spent time adding to the form are basicaly wiped from the document.

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  2. Fix auto saving issue with signatures.

    When saving a PDF from Outlook which is the final version with signatures, I am suddenly brought deep into a cache file instead of the normal 'recent save locations' appearing. I save this type of PDF at least once a week, and this issue only began within the last few days but is very consistent. It only happens with the signature-related files and is infuriating.

    I contacted support and they said its not a bug, but it definitely is as its not normal behaviour for the app at all. Please fix it.

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  3. Required fields - asterisk size too big and covering the field

    The required fields have a asterisk on them at the beggining whitch is no ideal when you have a small box that needs on 1-2 characters in it like a date. this looks very unprofessional on a mobile device or even on the PC.

    The asterisk should be outside the required field in the top left corner of it. It should be Red and small, unlike where it is now. Not obstructing the field.

    The text in the multiline boxes is huge for the client input. If we set it up to a specific size in the field properties it…

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  4. Additional signatures on file

    right now an account only has the option to save 2 signatures on file. I am an office manager for our company and i need to have atleast 4 signatures on file. Pleas add the ability to save 1 - 5 on file which would be extremely helpful to small businesses. Thank you!!

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  5. Spellcheck does not let you right click

    Please enable those using desktop to right click as it shows when spelling is incorrect but does not allow you to right click to see suggested. This is for those filling out the form after it has been sent

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  6. add delete webform option

    I find it very troublesome, that created web forms with PDF documents that in some cases include personal information can't be deleted. We will not trust Adobe with our data, if we cannot uphold the right to be forgotten on request from protected individuals!

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  7. Define common area that users can comment freely during the e signature process.

    Feature to include a pre-defined area (comment section) in a doc that any member can comment on during the e-signature process. Otherwise, the owner has to cancel the doc and re-send time to time by defining individual areas. If a free common area, approvers can comment if they required to include to the document.

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  8. Ability to "change the name" / "rename" Adobe Web Form

    I've spent 6 hours making a web form and went to change the name at the end.

    It turns out you can't do this once it is published. You cannot move it back into draft and change it.

    I would like to not have to spend another 6 hours rebuilding the form just to change the name at the very beginning (this is a public facing form)

    Please add the ability to change the name of a Form.

    I would also like the ability to Duplicate a web form.

    Many thanks

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  9. Add Name change option in Webforms to ensure they can adapt business requirement changes

    The webforms name should be set to allow for editing. This is important to allow for enterprise products ability to use this feature, so they can adapt business requirement changes

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    En México, existen varias plataformas para la firma de documentos, de manera digital que permiten el uso de la fiel (firma electrónica avanzada) el cual es un archivo tipo .cer para firmar los documentos, valdría la pena que uno pudiese utilizar dicho certificado para firmar documentos dentro de Adobe sign ya que la fiel es una representación de la firma autógrafa de las personas en México.

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  11. NOM 151

    Para llevar a cabo la firma de documentos legales en México, hoy en día es indispensable que se cumpla con la Nom 151, valdría la pena que dentro de su página, se aclarará si este producto cumple o no con dicha normativa, ya que incluso esto puede incentivar un mayor uso dentro del país.

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  12. Add Transaction ID to e-signature (not just in the audit report).

    It will be helpful and more compliant (facilitate verification) if we can have the transaction ID next or under each signature instead of only having it in the audit report (especially for large documents with many signatures).

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  13. Should add a line like docusign, so we know where the line will be for the signature/initials

    When the final signature comes back from the completed agreement, the signature is floating, and there is a line with identifiers below the line. Should have a line on the template builder so we know where the line will be on the completed agreement

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  14. When clicking next from a text field on mobile, should go to next field and keep keyboard open

    Very frustrating if entering in multiple text fields. Need to click on the text field instead of next. Otherwise, still need to click on the field in order to type into the field

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  15. Send out the correct link for soliciting enhancement requests - does not actually have a form

    Send out the correct link when soliciting enhancement requests. I received the following link, which does not actually contain any form for me to fill out. I had to call Adobe support back to discuss the Wish List form. This took an additional half hour out of my day for them to finally send me to this site!

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  16. bulk download in manage page

    bulk download in manage page

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  17. Need fix bug of missing attachments in the original PDF file after signing through sign

    The PDF to be signed that I originally created using Adobe Acrobat software included an Excel file in xlsx format that was added through the attachment function in Adobe Acrobat. However, after uploading the sign webpage for signature action, the attachments included in the file disappeared. Since the files we provide are in the original Excel format and require proof that they have not been modified, but the current design of sign is that sign will perform a Flattening process on the uploaded PDF files, and Flattening will strip the attachments from the PDF files. Therefore, sign's current functionality cannot…

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  18. There should not be another step required after signer hits 'Finish'

    I have users think they have completed the document without hitting the 'Adopt and Sign' button. There should not be another step after a user hits a button that says 'Finish' - it is counterintuitive. Have the user hit 'Continue' or 'Proceed to Final Step' instead to avoid failed signings.

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  19. Schedule Send Documents for eSignatures

    Add a feature to Schedule Send documents for signing. So my signees don't get disturbed at evenings or weekends (eg, the only time I get to prepare these things)

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  20. Personnaliser texte demande de signature électronique

    je cherche à configurer le message d'envoi pour les signatures électroniques.
    Le message d'origine est "veuillez vérifier et signer cet accord".
    Je voudrait que ce message soit different incluant au minima des formules de politesse.
    Je suis donc obligé de retaper systématiquement mon texte? je n'ai pas non plus la possibilité de faire un copie coller depuis l'app note par exemple?
    Quelqu'un aurait il une solution?

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