Change the placement of the Terms of Use Continue button on webforms to the middle of the screen
When opening a web form to fill out, the Terms of Use disclaimer appears at the bottom of the screen and prompts the user to click Continue.
The placement of the button at the bottom of the screen confuses many users who aren't careful to read the small text. They immediately think the Continue button is for submitting the form. Then, they are confused as to why they can't fill out the form. It is poor UX design to put the button on the bottom of the screen. It should be in the middle or possibly very clear on the top. This is especially true when users fill out a webform when it's embedded on a website. Unless you scroll all the way to the bottom of the original website, you won't see the Continue button. It's also not necessarily obvious to users filling out forms that the form is greyed out before you hit the Continue. To improve the UX, the form shouldn't appear at all, or it should be very clear what the flow should be. I expect much more from a design company. Please move the Continue button. Please also don't display the "Start" flag until after the Continue button is pressed. Having two blue buttons at the same time (albeit the flag is somewhat darkened in the background) makes it confusing to users as to where to pay attention to first.