Bio-Pharma Settings: Default Account Language Signing Reasons
Bio-Pharma Settings: Default Account Language Signing Reasons
It's a legal requirement that Signees within the Pharmaceutical sector is required to select a predefined Signing Reason.
The signing reasons are declared at Account Level in a specific language - like US English.
But, if the Signee has selected another signing language, no Signing Reasons are available. As this is a legal requirement, this is a major compliance issue.
There is at least 32 languages – several of these cannot be entered via all keyboards.(like Chinese, Korean, Japanese)
Not all browsers allow all languages to be displayed, and the reasons can only be entered at Account Level.
Only with:
- Native Language understanding, and
- Language Supported Keyboard, and
- Language Supported Internet Browser, and
- Network or VPN Access, and
- Account Access
the language specific Signing Reasons can be entered.
If no Signee specific Signing Reasons are available, the Signing Reasons at Account Level in the Account Language should be available.