Allow the users to manage templates for shared accounts
We make heavy use of templates within our 300-user account.
We create the templates under an Adobe Sign "service account", and share access to that service account with others within a department (e.g. End-users within CSD access the shared account using the "Switch Account" feature.
Currently, Adobe Sign only allows you to manage transactions related to the shared user. You cannot edit templates under that shared user's account.
That means is that if we want to create more templates (or edit an existing one), we have to teach our end-users to sign out of Adobe Sign, and back in under the shared user account.
It would be incredibility helpful if there were more options surrounding template management, in general. Including the most useful option, allowing an option (when sharing a user account) to allow the person with whom access has been shared with, to be able to manage templates created under the shared user.