Android App
Echosign and Salesforce are a huge part of our operations and several of our franchisees use Android Tablets to do in person signatures.

Adobe EchoSign Android application is available on Google Play store. Hope you will enjoy it.
AdminFan Fan (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hi everyone,
Adobe EchoSign Android application is now available on Google Play store. It supports in person signing. Check it out.
Nonamaé Satya commented
do they just not respond here?
i'd really love to see this on android as well.
while i mostly use apple products, my phone (which is my portable office) could really use an app like this.dear adobe,
any plans to put this out to the android community? pretty please :)
we'd all love to anticipation,
a lover of your products
Kristian commented
So it appears there is no plan to support in person signing on Android devices? Am I missing an update from Echosign team on this idea
Andy Morris commented
Or even if we only use the adobe acrobat apps it would be nice if one could have people other than the immediate device user to do signatures like was previously available for IOS.
Anonymous commented
Same here. We have about 9 thousand employees word wide and a large number of them are using Android devices, including myself.