Make it possible to split and merge documents that have been echosigned.
The point of an electronic signature is to be paperless. I usually have contracts that are 24 pages, but consist of several smaller groups that may need to be handled independently. I currently can not do this without printing and rescanning, or uploading each of the 10 smaller parts of the contract separately, which are both wastes of time.

Paul commented
I need this too, but I also need it available through the API, so if I send multiple docs in the fileinfo, I can get individual pdf's back through the API.
William Labbancz commented
I use pdfill PDF Tools. It is a free software that allows me to split, merge and reorder pdf documents. check it out here
capitoloaks commented
This is a major problem for Realtors. Even with and Enterprise subscription multiple (10 or more) individual forms would be overwhelming for most clients. Sending 1 large document is much simpler to understand and to track. Being able to split/merge the pages for distribution to selectively interested parties is a must.
Eran Aloni commented
By default, EchoSign merges all the uploaded attachments into a single document, but Enterprise customers can change that setting on the account settings page such that the "signed and filed" email would contain individual attachments.