Allow Multiple Signed Files to be created in one signing event
Allow one signing to create multiple "signed" files. Often multiple files are needed to be signed, however, parts of the document need to go to different places. (1 document to account, 1 document to a partner company) yet EchoSign only creates 1 digital file. It must be unsecured and broken apart after the signing. If mulitple pdf "files" could be generated in 1 signing event it would eliminate this step and allow for "secured" files to be sent to the proper destination after signing. It would also ensure that multiple signings would not be needed (to obtain the same result).

Hi John,
This functionality is already supported by EchoSign. In the settings for your account, there is an option on whether EchoSign should create a single PDF file or keep the individual files separate. By default the files are merged into a single file.
Once you have made a change to your account, you can send multiple files for signature at the same time and receive the signed files as separate files.
Anjan commented
Hi Mangesh,
Can it be done with esign?
Multiple documents will be send to signatory authority (sa hence forth) for signature. Sa will sign in one place and it is reflected in all the documents. And all the documents are send back with sign separately.
As for example, score card from multiple students will be uploaded. Principal will sign in a single place and it is reflected in all the score cards. And all the score cards will be returned as separate document.
Can it be done with echosign?
If yes, please let me know how can I do that?
I have seen that with settings and form field I have to place signature field in all the docuemnts one by one before sending. Then the signatory authority has to sign all the docuemnts
one by one (clicking with next). But it is too tedious.Can it be done one place signature and reflecting in all the documents?
hari commented
can anyone say is there any disadvantage of parallel multiple signature
Kevin Moore commented
I dont see this option
Kevin Moore commented
I dont see this option
Tory commented
I can not find this setting anywhere... where is it located? Was it removed? Is the default behavior still to make one PDF from multiple signed documents sent at the same time?
Quintessa Johnson commented
Is there a way of separating the document after it has been signed and saved as one document?
AdminMangesh Bhandarkar (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hi John,
This functionality is already supported by EchoSign. In the settings for your account, there is an option on whether EchoSign should create a single PDF file or keep the individual files separate. By default the files are merged into a single file.Once you have made a change to your account, you can send multiple files for signature at the same time and receive the signed files as separate files.